

          鄭蕊 社會(huì )與工程心理學(xué)研究室副研究員
          電  話(huà):86-10-64841536
          傳  真:86-10-64872070

          2005年9月~2008年7月 就讀于中國科學(xué)院心理研究所,獲應用心理學(xué)博士學(xué)位
          2001年9月~2004年7月 就讀于北京大學(xué)心理學(xué)系,獲應用心理學(xué)碩士學(xué)位
          1997年9月~2001年7月 就讀于首都師范大學(xué)教育科學(xué)學(xué)院心理學(xué)系,獲心理學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位


          社會(huì )任職

          1) Zheng, R. *, Rao, L-L., Zheng, X-L., Cai, C., Wei, Z-H., & Li, S. The more involved in lead-zinc mining risk the less frightened: A psychological typhoon eye perspective. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 2015. 44. 126-134. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2015.10.002. 
          2) Wang, F., Li, S., Bai, X. W., Ren, X. P., Rao, L. L., Li, J. Z., ... & Zheng, R.*. Town Mouse or Country Mouse: Identifying a Town Dislocation Effect in Chinese Urbanization. PLoS ONE. 2015. 10(5): e0125821. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125821. 通訊作者 
          3) Rao, L. L., Xu, Y., Li, S., Li, Y., & Zheng, R.*. Effect of perceived risk on nuclear power plant operators’ safety behavior and errors. Journal of Risk Research, 2015, (ahead-of-print): 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2015.10.002. 通訊作者 
          4) Li, S., Rao, L. L., Ren, X. P. #, Bai, X. W. #, Zheng, R#., Li, J. Z., ... & Liu, H. (2009). Psychological typhoon eye in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. PLoS One, 4(3), e4964. 共同通訊 
          5) Zhao, C. X., Jiang, C. M., Zhou, L., Li, S., Rao, L. L. #, & Zheng, R. #. The hidden opportunity cost of time effect on intertemporal choice. Frontiers in psychology, 2015, 6: 311. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00311. 共同通訊 
          6) Zheng, R. *, Shi, K., & Li, S. (2009). The influence factors and mechanism of societal risk perception. In Complex sciences (pp. 2266-2275). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02469-6_104. 
          7) Rao, L. L., Zhou, Y., Liang, Z. Y., Rao, H., Zheng, R., Sun, Y., ... & Li, S.*. (2014). Decreasing ventromedial prefrontal cortex deactivation in risky decision making after simulated microgravity: effects of? 6° head-down tilt bed rest. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 187. 
          8) Jiang, C. M., Zheng, R., Zhou, Y., Liang, Z. Y., Rao, L. L., Sun, Y., ... & Li, S.*. (2013). Effect of 45-day simulated microgravity on the evaluation of orally reported emergencies. Ergonomics, 56(8), 1225-1231.
          9) Bai, X., Wu, C., Zheng, R., & Ren, X.*. (2013). The psychometric evaluation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale using a nationally representative sample of China. Journal of Happiness Studies, 12(2), 183-197. 
          10) Rao, L-L., Han, R., Ren, X-P., Bai, X-W., Zheng, R., Liu, H., Wang, Z-J., Li, J-Z., Zhang, K., & Li, S.*. (2011). Disadvantage and prosocial behavior: The effects of the Wenchuan earthquake. Evolution and Human Behavior, 32, 63-69.
          11) Li, S., Wang, Z-J., Rao, L-L., Zheng, R., Ren, X-P., Li, J-Z., Liu, H., Bi, Y-L., Wang, F., & Bai, X-W.* (2011). How long is long enough: Public worry about the devastated students' academic career since Wenchuan Earthquake. Psychologia, 54, 80-86.
          12) Xie, X. F.*, Stone, E., Zheng, R., & Zhang, R. G.. (2011). The ‘Typhoon Eye Effect’: determinants of distress during the SARS epidemic. Journal of Risk Research, 14(9), 1091-1107. 
          13) Li, S., Rao, L-L., Bai, X-W., Zheng, R., Ren, X-P., Li, J-Z., Wang, Z-J., Liu, H., & Zhang, K.* (2010). Progression of the “psychological typhoon eye” and variations since the Wenchuan earthquake. PLoS ONE, 5, e9727. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009727.
          14) Li, S.*, Li, J-Z., Chen, Y-W., Bai, X-W., Ren, X-P., Zheng, R., Rao, L-L., Wang, Z-J., & Liu, H. (2010). Can overconfidence be debiased by low-probability/high-consequence event? Risk Analysis, 30, 699-707.
          15) Li, S., Zhou, K., Sun, Y., Rao, L-L., Zheng, R., & Liang, Z-Y.*(2010). Anticipated regret, risk perception, or both: Which is most likely responsible for our intention to gamble? Journal of Gambling Studies, 26, 105-116.
          16) 劉歡, 李金珍, 郭慧芳, 沈絲楚, & 鄭蕊. (2014).損失規避的性質(zhì)探索——國家自然科學(xué)基金特優(yōu)項目(70871110)回溯. 管理學(xué)報, 11(11), 1605-1610. 
          17) 鄭蕊, 周潔,傅小蘭.(2012). 研究社會(huì )心理行為,推進(jìn)社會(huì )管理創(chuàng )新. 中國科學(xué)院院刊, 27, 24-30.
          18) 白新文,任孝鵬, 鄭蕊,李紓. (2009). 5.12汶川地震災區居民的心理和諧狀況及與政府滿(mǎn)意度的關(guān)系. 心理科學(xué)進(jìn)展, 17(3), 574-578.
          19) 李紓,劉歡,白新文,任孝鵬, 鄭蕊,李金珍,饒儷琳,汪祚軍. (2009). 汶川“5.12”地震中的心理臺風(fēng)眼效應. 科技導報, 27(3), 87-89.
          李紓,畢研玲,梁竹苑,孫彥,汪祚軍,鄭蕊. (2009). 無(wú)限理性還是有限理性?——齊當別抉擇模型在經(jīng)濟行為中的應用. 管理評論. 21(5), 103-114.




          2015-2018 參與國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目“跨期決策的過(guò)程驗證”,項目編號:31471005
          2013-2015 主持國家自然科學(xué)基金青年基金項目“非風(fēng)險中心區個(gè)體風(fēng)險知覺(jué)偏差的機制探索”,項目編號:71201163
          2009-2010 主持中國科學(xué)院心理研究所青年基金項目:“城市化進(jìn)程中民眾地區認同及其影響因素研究”,項目編號:O9CX104010
